Banner of Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Elmvale


Membership Convenor: Margaret Ann 322-2249

Parish Bulletin Advertising
Trevor 322-5381

Choir - St. Patrick's
The St. Patrick's Choir is looking for more members to join us!
If you love to sing consider becoming a choir member, every voice helps.

Choir - Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes mission Church is building a choir for the 11am Sunday Mass.
Please see Isabel, our organist at Our Lady of Lourdes, after the 11am Mass.

Lector and Eucharistic Minister Scheduling
Call the rectory

Altar Guild - St. Patrick's 
Denise 322-8262

Cemetery Board
Call the rectory

Barrie Knights of Columbus
Paul 322-3389

Web Site 
Trevor 322-5381

St. Pat's Facebook Page 
Steve 322-8262